• Campus Safety
  • Campus Safety

    Office Hours: Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    Contact: 410-337-6111
    Social Media: Instagram (goucher_campussafety)
    General requests: OfficeofCampusSafety@31133.net
    Feedback: CampusSafetyFeedback@31133.net

    Even in a community as quiet as Goucher's, it's reassuring to know that the college has a full complement of measures in place to keep the campus safe and secure — and can respond quickly and effectively if a problem should arise. On duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year, the Office of Campus Safety works hard to provide security services that are as responsive as they are unintrusive, that emphasize the importance of community in preventing and responding to problems, and that devote as much time to reaching out to the community as to patrolling it.

    The Goucher College Office of Campus Safety exists to support the educational mission of Goucher College. Its staff members are committed to providing high quality, community-oriented campus safety services that facilitate the provision of educational services to the students of the college. The office strives to protect the rights and safety of all members of the campus community and uses problem-solving strategies to address the security concerns of students, employees, and guests.

    The Office of Campus Safety is located on the ground floor of Heubeck Hall. For more information, call 410-337-6112.

    Report a Threat or Concern

    Active shooter/threat situation

    Shootings tend to last approximately 2–4 minutes and may be over before police arrive. In the event of an active shooter/threat situation, your courses of action—adaptable for people of various abilities—are:

    When you are safe, help those around you

    When police arrive follow their commands and show your hands. Their focus will be on stopping the shooter and they may be unable to help victims.

    PLEASE NOTE: The video contains an enactment of an active shooter that some may find disturbing. However, the video provides guidance and is meant to educate you on how to respond should an active shooter situation occur. While the scripted violence is simulated and mildly graphic, the message is real and will hopefully resonate across the campus.

    • Play Video

      Surviving an Active Shooter Event

    • Play Video

      Gopher Help

    • Play Video

      Friend Watch    

    • Play Video

      Fire Safety